Urinary tract infections (UTI) affect about 3 percent of children in the growing years. Throughout childhood, the risk of a UTI is about 2 percent for boys and 8 percent for girls. The symptoms are not always obvious to parents, and younger children are usually unable to describe how they feel. Recognizing and treating urinary tract infections is important as untreated urinary infections can lead to serious kidney problems with long term effects. In the first year of life urinary infections are more common in boys and after that they become considerably more common in girls.
The kidneys filter and remove waste and water from the blood to produce urine. The urine travels from the kidneys down two narrow tubes called the ureters. The urine is then stored in an organ called the bladder. In a child, the bladder can hold about 1 to 1-1/2 ounces (each ounce= approx 30ml) of urine for each year of the child's age. So, the bladder of a 4-year-old child may hold about 4 to 6 ounces; an 8-year-old can hold 8 to 12 ounces When the bladder empties, a muscle called the sphincter relaxes and urine flows out of the body through the urethra, a tube at the bottom of the bladder. The opening of the urethra is at the end of the penis in boys and in front of the vagina in girls.
Normal urine is free of bacteria (germs). Generally bacteria reach the urinary tract from nearby skin in genital area especially if the hygiene is poor. Once the bacteria reach the bladder, the bladder lining gets swollen and there is pain in the belly, fever and pain during passing urine. This bladder infection is called cystitis.
If the bacteria travel up through the ureters to the kidneys, a kidney infection can develop. The infection is called Pyelonephritis and is usually accompanied by pain in the side of belly below ribs, high grade fever and the child may be very sick. Kidney infections are much more serious than bladder infections.
In some children a urinary tract infection may be a sign of an abnormal urinary tract that may be prone to repeated problems. For this reason, when a child has a urinary infection, additional tests are often recommended. In other cases, children develop urinary tract infections because they are prone to such infections, just as other children are prone to getting coughs, colds, or ear infections. Or a child may happen to be infected by a type of bacteria with a special ability to cause urinary tract infections.
Children who frequently delay a trip to the bathroom are more likely to develop UTIs. Regular urination helps keep the urinary tract sterile by flushing away bacteria. Holding in urine allows bacteria to grow. Keeping the sphincter muscle tight for a long time also makes it more difficult to relax that muscle when it is time to urinate. As a result, the child’s bladder may not empty completely. This dysfunctional voiding can set the stage for a urinary infection.
If the child is an infant or only a few years old, the signs of a urinary tract infection may not be clear, since children that young cannot tell you exactly how they feel. High fever, vomiting or lethargy may be the only features. Sometimes a child may have only a low-grade fever, experience nausea and vomiting, or just not seem healthy. The diaper urine may have an unusual smell. If the child has a high temperature and appears sick for more than a day without signs of a runny nose or other obvious cause for discomfort, he or she may need to be checked for a bladder infection.
An older child may complain of pain in the abdomen and pelvic area. Older kids may complain of need to go frequently to toilet for passing urine. Crying or complaining that it hurts to urinate and producing only a few drops of urine at a time are other signs of urinary tract infection. Your child may have difficulty controlling the urine and may leak urine into clothing or bedsheets. The urine may smell unusual or look cloudy or red.
Antibiotics are the first line of therapy for urinary infections. Ideally, a urine culture should be ordered whenever a urinary infection is suspected. It would tell the kind of bacteria causing the infection and the best antibiotics to fight them. Additional medicines may be given for fever and pain like paracetamol.
While a urine sample is being examined, the treatment is started with a drug that is usually effective against the common bacteria causing the infection. Once culture results are known, the doctor may decide to switch to a better antibiotic. If the child is sick or not able to drink fluids, the antibiotic may need to be given via injections and the child may require admission in a hospital. Otherwise, the medicine (liquid or pills) may be given by mouth or by shots. The medicine is given for at least one week to ten days and the complete course of antibiotic must be given even if the child starts feeling better in 2-3 days. Otherwise infections may return, and germs can resist future treatment if the drug is stopped too soon.
Additional tests may be recommended to check for abnormalities in the urinary tract. These tests are best advised by a Pediatric Urologist or a Pediatric Nephrologist. The kinds of tests ordered will depend on your child and the type of urinary infection. Because no single test can tell everything about the urinary tract that might be important, more than one of the following tests may be needed:
Many children who get urinary tract infections have normal kidneys and bladders. But if a child has an abnormality, it should be detected as early as possible to protect the kidneys against damage. 30% of the children with urinary tract infections are found to have some abnormality on investigations. These abnormalities are best treated by Pediatric urologist doctors and Pediatric Nephrologist doctors in India.
Abnormalities that could occur include the following:
Urinary tract infections in young children can lead to renal damage and lead to long term problems which include kidney scars, poor kidney growth, poor kidney function, high blood pressure, and other problems. For this reason, it is important that children with urinary tract infections receive prompt treatment and careful evaluation. It is for this reason that follow-up imaging is a must for any child who had a urinary infection. The treatment and followup of urine infections in children can be best done by expert pediatric urologists or nephrologists.
If the investigations show that the urinary tract is normal:
If the investigations show some abnormalities of the urinary tract:
Kushal, a 6 months old boy had high grade fever for 2 days. A doctor was consulted, and he was diagnosed to have a viral infection- no tests were done. An antibiotic was prescribed for 5 days when the fever did not go away after another 2 days. The fever subsided for time being. But he developed frequent episodes of fever almost every 2-3 months, each time labeled as chest infection/ viral fever and received antibiotics. At 3 years of age, the mother noticed that Kushal was shorter than the other kids of his age and was taken to a doctor again. Doctor reassured that since everything else is well, the child need not be investigated further. At the age of four years, he became very sick with fever, vomiting and tummy-ache. He required admission and blood tests showed infection in the kidneys and early kidney failure. This sent the alarm bells ringing and he was investigated further. He was found to have a condition called Vesicoureteral reflux whereby urine goes back to kidneys and leads to infections. Each infection damages the kidneys and ultimately kidneys lose function. Over the years due to recurrent infections, the kidneys had been damaged. Now he is awaiting renal transplant.
All this could have been avoided, if a urinary infection had been suspected and a urine test was done. As the young children cannot complain of pain during urination and they pass urine into diapers, all that the parents can tell the doctor is that the child was cranky. It is important to suspect urinary infection in any child with fever especially in the first few years of life. As seen the consequences of a missed urinary infections can be disastrous.
Dr A.K.Singal is a top pediatric urologist in Navi Mumbai India. He is expert in diagnosing and treating urine infections in children. At his centre, MITR Hospital in Kharghar Navi Mumbai and at MGM hospital, Vashi, his team regularly performs Ultrasound, MCU test for diagnosing the causes of urine infections in children. Dr Singal is well renowned for treating VUR, PUV, Overactive bladder, PUJ Obstruction, Kidney stones and neurogenic bladder- all of which are causes for urine infection in children.